Only a few of us Catholics have received the Sacrament of Holy Orders and so are part of the hierarchical and sacramental priesthood whose offices are bishop, priest, and deacon.
But every one of us, by nature of our Baptism, still has a share in Christ’s priesthood through the reality of the common priesthood of all the faithful.
Here is the focus for my Doctrinal Homily Outline for the Fifth Sunday of Easter.
Central idea: The faithful are a holy priesthood who offer spiritual sacrifices to God through Christ. Doctrine: The common priesthood of all the faithful. Practical application: Exercising the common priesthood of the faithful as laypersons.
You can access the complete outline for the Fifth Sunday of Easter here.
I have been writing the weekly Doctrinal Homily Outlines for the past ten years.
Outlines for all the Sundays and Solemnities for all three years of the liturgical cycle can be found under the Homily Outlines tab above and then clicking on the current year, which is A.
I would love to hear where you might like this free service to go from here.
Certainly, I would love to gain more followers. The best way to grow the site is probably for you to tell your friends, especially if your friend is your local bishop!
One welcome but unexpected discovery is that many lay persons find these outlines beneficial for their own spiritual lives, particularly in their mental prayer.
If you have any thoughts about this, I’d love to hear them.
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