Category: Insights

  • Brief Biography of St. Josemaria Escriva

    Brief Biography of St. Josemaria Escriva

    A brief biography of St. Josemaria Escriva, the founder of Opus Dei.

  • The Problem of the Gift of Self

    The Problem of the Gift of Self

    Gift of Self Every person’s most fundamental vocation, moral responsibility, and source of fulfillment is authentic self-giving. I think this claim can be discovered by reason and experience. I also believe it permeates Sacred Scriptures and the life of the Church. It has been beautifully articulated in Vatican II’s Gaudium et spes §24. Here is…

  • Peace and Security

    Peace and Security

    It is not possible to express completely what heaven is like. As St. Paul wrote, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him” (1 Cor 2:9). However, I think there are two goods we will certainly enjoy completely in heaven:…

  • “I got distracted by the lousy music and missed a treasure” or “External and Internal Negative and Positive Values in the Mass and in Our Participation in It.”

    “I got distracted by the lousy music and missed a treasure” or “External and Internal Negative and Positive Values in the Mass and in Our Participation in It.”

    This post has two titles, one concrete but loose and the other abstract but very precise. They are: “I got distracted by the lousy music and missed a treasure” or “External and Internal Negative and Positive Values in the Mass and in Our Participation in It.” Examples of external negative values in the Mass that…

  • Holiness and Justice: What’s the difference?

    Holiness and Justice: What’s the difference?

    I was confused for a long time by statements I read about the condition of Adam and Eve before the fall and our condition afterwards. Our first parents were in a state of holiness and justice before the Original Sin and they lost these. Consequently we are born without them. But what do these terms…

  • Three parallels in the Passover and the Eucharist

    Three parallels in the Passover and the Eucharist

    The Last Supper took place during a Passover meal. Recall that the original Passover meal centered on an unblemished lamb whose blood was shed to save Israel from death during the Passover of the Angel that night. Each year, on God’s instructions, the Jews observed a Passover meal in memory of the original Passover events.…

  • Decisive Moments of Silence

    Decisive Moments of Silence

    Two of the most decisive moments in salvation history involve an angel and a woman. The first is the moment of silence after the demonic Serpent spoke to Eve about the forbidden fruit but before her decision to eat it (Gn 3:4-6). Eve’s decision would affect every human being who would ever exist. Eve could…