Category: Holy Week

  • Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday

    Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday

    For links to homiletic outlines for the various Easter Lectionary readings for the various Easter Masses, click here and then scroll down. For a quick read, here are some doctrinal points about Christ’s Resurrection and how it affects us. In the Creed we recite, “I believe . . . he rose again on the third…

  • Palm Sunday

    Palm Sunday

    For a Doctrinal Homily Outline for Palm Sunday, click here. Here are some points in regard to the Gospel reading, which is Mark’s account of the Passion. The Gospel reading ends before the Redemption is complete, before Christ rises from the dead. Christ did all he did out of love for us. Christ first left…

  • Palm Sunday

    Palm Sunday

    Pastoral considerations suggest a fairly short homily on Palm Sunday due to the length of the Lectionary readings.  For an outline that focuses on various salvific insights from the readings, click here. For an outline that focuses on perhaps the key reading, St. Paul’s account of Christ self-emptying, click here. The Homiletic Directory offers the…

  • Easter – The Lord’s Day and Walking with the Holy Spirit

    Easter – The Lord’s Day and Walking with the Holy Spirit

    To view the Lectionary readings for Easter, you can go to the USCCB website here and select them from the calendar.   The outline below is based on the Homiletic Directory’s second group of Catechism points with the theme: “Easter, the Lord’s Day” (CCC 647, 1167-1170, 1243, 1287). In this outline I will focus just…

  • Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion

    Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion

    Christ took the suffering, which his enemies sinfully inflicted upon him, and made it the means by which they can be forgiven and healed.

  • Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion: Catholic homily outline Year C

    Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion: Catholic homily outline Year C

    Homiletic aid for Palm Sunday.

  • Catholic homily outline for Palm Sunday, Year B

    Due to the unique length of today’s Palm Sunday readings, this outline will be limited to a few points about the meaning of the texts To view Lectionary 37-38, click here. At the Procession With Palms – Gospel Mk 11:1-10 or Jn 12:12-16 The crowd proclaims Jesus Christ as the Messiah. By this, they understand him…

  • Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord – March 24

    To view today’s readings, click here. (Lectionary: 37 and 38) Due to the unique length of today’s readings, this homily outline will be limited to some points about the salvific meaning of the texts. At the Procession with Palms – Lk 19:28-40 In the Gospel read before Mass, it would be common to point out…