Palm Sunday

Man of Sorrows

Pastoral considerations suggest a fairly short homily on Palm Sunday due to the length of the Lectionary readings. 

For an outline that focuses on various salvific insights from the readings, click here.

For an outline that focuses on perhaps the key reading, St. Paul’s account of Christ self-emptying, click here.

The Homiletic Directory offers the following Catechism points and themes for Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion:

  • CCC 557-560: Christ’s entry into Jerusalem
  • CCC 602-618: the Passion of Christ
  • CCC 2816: Christ’s kingship gained through his death and Resurrection
  • CCC 654, 1067-1068, 1085, 1362: the Paschal Mystery and the liturgy







2 responses to “Palm Sunday”

  1. Larry Skendzel Avatar
    Larry Skendzel

    You have an informative site but I cannot access the various segments of your articles. I am interested in commentary on the readings and Gospel for the upcoming Sunday as I prepare for the Men of St. Joseph meeting on Tuesday. It is not clear on how to access the information.

    1. Kevin Aldrich Avatar

      I don’t know what you mean by not being able to access the articles. Are the links not working for you?

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